How to use it¶
Compile from Source Code¶
You will need to have JDK 11
or JDK 17
git clone
cd xml-doclet
mvn install
git clone
cd JDBCParquetWriter
gradle publishToMavenLocal
Build Dependencies¶
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation ''
repositories {
maven {
url = uri('')
dependencies {
implementation ''
Sphinx Integration¶
configurations {
repositories {
// use Snapshots
maven {
url = uri('')
dependencies {
xmlDoclet ''
tasks.register('xmldoc', Javadoc) {
source = sourceSets.main.allJava
// beware: Gradle deletes this folder automatically and there is no switch-off
destinationDir = reporting.file("xmlDoclet")
options.docletpath = configurations.xmlDoclet.files.asType(List)
options.doclet = "com.github.markusbernhardt.xmldoclet.XmlDoclet"
// optional: transform into Restructured Text for Sphinx
options.addBooleanOption("rst", true)
options.addBooleanOption("withFloatingToc", true)
options.addStringOption("basePackage", "com.github.markusbernhardt.xmldoclet")
// optional: copy the generated RST file into the Sphinx Folder
doLast {
copy {
from reporting.file("xmlDoclet/javadoc.rst")
into "${projectDir}/src/site/sphinx"
<additionalparam>-d ${} -filename ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-javadoc.xml</additionalparam>
Floating Table of Content¶
Download the CSS file floating_toc.css and JavaScript file floating_toc.js and add those to your Sphinx resource folder _static
File |
Size |
(2 kB) |
(4 kB) |
html_static_path = ['_static']
html_css_files = ['floating_toc.css']
html_js_files = ['floating_toc.js',]
Then you can provide the Floating TOC Option together with the Restructured Text Option in your build file:
tasks.register('xmldoc', Javadoc) {
// optional: transform into Restructured Text for Sphinx
options.addBooleanOption("rst", true)
options.addBooleanOption("withFloatingToc", true)
options.addStringOption("basePackage", "com.github.markusbernhardt.xmldoclet")