extends: Object implements: DatabaseMetaData
JdbcMetaData (schemaDefinition)
Instantiates a new virtual JDBC MetaData object with an empty CURRENT_CATALOG and an empty CURRENT_SCHEMA and creates tables from the provided definition.
String schemaDefinition | schemaDefinition the schema definition of tables and columns
JdbcMetaData (catalogName, schemaName, schemaDefinition)
Instantiates a new virtual JDBC MetaData object for the given CURRENT_CATALOG and CURRENT_SCHEMA and creates tables from the provided definition.
String catalogName | catalogName the CURRENT_CATALOG
String schemaName | schemaName the CURRENT_SCHEMA
String schemaDefinition | schemaDefinition the schema definition of tables and columns
JdbcMetaData (catalogName, schemaName)
Instantiates a new virtual JDBC MetaData object with a given CURRENT_CATALOG and CURRENT_SCHEMA.
String catalogName | catalogName the CURRENT_CATALOG to set
String schemaName | schemaName the CURRENT_SCHEMA to set
JdbcMetaData ()
Instantiates a new virtual JDBC MetaData object with an empty CURRENT_CATALOG and an empty CURRENT_SCHEMA.
JdbcMetaData (con)
Derives JDBC MetaData object from a physical database connection.
Connection con | con the physical database connection
getTypeName (sqlType) → String
int sqlType
returns String
put (rsMetaData, name, errorMessage) →
String name
String errorMessage
getTableColumns (catalogName, schemaName, tableName, columnName) → List
String catalogName
String schemaName
String tableName
String columnName
returns List
getColumn (catalogName, schemaName, tableName, columnName) →
String catalogName
String schemaName
String tableName
String columnName
containsValue (value) → boolean
String key
BiFunction remappingFunction
replace (key, oldValue, newValue) → boolean
String key
returns boolean
remove (key, value) → boolean
String key
returns boolean
computeIfPresent (key, remappingFunction) →
String key
BiFunction remappingFunction
String key
Function mappingFunction
String key
BiFunction remappingFunction
containsKey (key) → boolean
String key
returns boolean
addTable (catalogName, schemaName, tableName, columns) →
String catalogName
String schemaName
String tableName
Collection columns
addTable (catalogName, schemaName, tableName, columns) →
String catalogName
String schemaName
String tableName
String schemaName
String tableName
Collection columns
String schemaName
String tableName
String tableName
Collection columns
String tableName
String columnNames
String tableName
Collection columns
allProceduresAreCallable () → boolean
allTablesAreSelectable () → boolean
getURL () → String
getUserName () → String
isReadOnly () → boolean
nullsAreSortedHigh () → boolean
nullsAreSortedLow () → boolean
nullsAreSortedAtStart () → boolean
nullsAreSortedAtEnd () → boolean
getDatabaseProductName () → String
getDatabaseProductVersion () → String
getDriverName () → String
getDriverVersion () → String
getDriverMajorVersion () → int
getDriverMinorVersion () → int
usesLocalFiles () → boolean
usesLocalFilePerTable () → boolean
supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers () → boolean
storesUpperCaseIdentifiers () → boolean
storesLowerCaseIdentifiers () → boolean
storesMixedCaseIdentifiers () → boolean
supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers () → boolean
storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers () → boolean
storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers () → boolean
storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers () → boolean
getIdentifierQuoteString () → String
getSQLKeywords () → String
getNumericFunctions () → String
getStringFunctions () → String
getSystemFunctions () → String
getTimeDateFunctions () → String
getSearchStringEscape () → String
getExtraNameCharacters () → String
supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn () → boolean
supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn () → boolean
supportsColumnAliasing () → boolean
nullPlusNonNullIsNull () → boolean
supportsConvert () → boolean
supportsConvert (fromType, toType) → boolean
int fromType
int toType
returns boolean
supportsTableCorrelationNames () → boolean
supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames () → boolean
supportsExpressionsInOrderBy () → boolean
supportsOrderByUnrelated () → boolean
supportsGroupBy () → boolean
supportsGroupByUnrelated () → boolean
supportsGroupByBeyondSelect () → boolean
supportsLikeEscapeClause () → boolean
supportsMultipleResultSets () → boolean
supportsMultipleTransactions () → boolean
supportsNonNullableColumns () → boolean
supportsMinimumSQLGrammar () → boolean
supportsCoreSQLGrammar () → boolean
supportsExtendedSQLGrammar () → boolean
supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL () → boolean
supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL () → boolean
supportsANSI92FullSQL () → boolean
supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility () → boolean
supportsOuterJoins () → boolean
supportsFullOuterJoins () → boolean
supportsLimitedOuterJoins () → boolean
getSchemaTerm () → String
getProcedureTerm () → String
getCatalogTerm () → String
isCatalogAtStart () → boolean
getCatalogSeparator () → String
supportsSchemasInDataManipulation () → boolean
supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls () → boolean
supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions () → boolean
supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions () → boolean
supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions () → boolean
supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation () → boolean
supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls () → boolean
supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions () → boolean
supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions () → boolean
supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions () → boolean
supportsPositionedDelete () → boolean
supportsPositionedUpdate () → boolean
supportsSelectForUpdate () → boolean
supportsStoredProcedures () → boolean
supportsSubqueriesInComparisons () → boolean
supportsSubqueriesInExists () → boolean
supportsSubqueriesInIns () → boolean
supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds () → boolean
supportsCorrelatedSubqueries () → boolean
supportsUnion () → boolean
supportsUnionAll () → boolean
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit () → boolean
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback () → boolean
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit () → boolean
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback () → boolean
getMaxBinaryLiteralLength () → int
getMaxCharLiteralLength () → int
getMaxColumnNameLength () → int
getMaxColumnsInGroupBy () → int
getMaxColumnsInIndex () → int
getMaxColumnsInOrderBy () → int
getMaxColumnsInSelect () → int
getMaxColumnsInTable () → int
getMaxConnections () → int
getMaxCursorNameLength () → int
getMaxIndexLength () → int
getMaxSchemaNameLength () → int
getMaxProcedureNameLength () → int
getMaxCatalogNameLength () → int
getMaxRowSize () → int
doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs () → boolean
getMaxStatementLength () → int
getMaxStatements () → int
getMaxTableNameLength () → int
getMaxTablesInSelect () → int
getMaxUserNameLength () → int
getDefaultTransactionIsolation () → int
supportsTransactions () → boolean
supportsTransactionIsolationLevel (level) → boolean
int level
returns boolean
supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions () → boolean
supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly () → boolean
dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit () → boolean
dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions () → boolean
getProcedures (catalog, schemaPattern, procedureNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String procedureNamePattern
returns ResultSet
getProcedureColumns (catalog, schemaPattern, procedureNamePattern, columnNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String procedureNamePattern
String columnNamePattern
returns ResultSet
getTables (catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern, types) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String tableNamePattern
String types
returns ResultSet
getSchemas () → ResultSet
getCatalogs () → ResultSet
getTableTypes () → ResultSet
getColumns (catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern, columnNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String tableNamePattern
String columnNamePattern
returns ResultSet
getColumnPrivileges (catalog, schema, table, columnNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schema
String table
String columnNamePattern
returns ResultSet
getTablePrivileges (catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String tableNamePattern
returns ResultSet
getBestRowIdentifier (catalog, schema, table, scope, nullable) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schema
String table
int scope
boolean nullable
returns ResultSet
getVersionColumns (catalog, schema, table) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schema
String table
returns ResultSet
getPrimaryKeys (catalog, schema, table) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schema
String table
returns ResultSet
getImportedKeys (catalog, schema, table) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schema
String table
returns ResultSet
getExportedKeys (catalog, schema, table) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schema
String table
returns ResultSet
getCrossReference (parentCatalog, parentSchema, parentTable, foreignCatalog, foreignSchema, foreignTable) → ResultSet
String parentCatalog
String parentSchema
String parentTable
String foreignCatalog
String foreignSchema
String foreignTable
returns ResultSet
getTypeInfo () → ResultSet
getIndexInfo (catalog, schema, table, unique, approximate) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schema
String table
boolean unique
boolean approximate
returns ResultSet
supportsResultSetType (type) → boolean
supportsResultSetConcurrency (type, concurrency) → boolean
int type
int concurrency
returns boolean
ownUpdatesAreVisible (type) → boolean
ownDeletesAreVisible (type) → boolean
ownInsertsAreVisible (type) → boolean
othersUpdatesAreVisible (type) → boolean
othersDeletesAreVisible (type) → boolean
othersInsertsAreVisible (type) → boolean
updatesAreDetected (type) → boolean
deletesAreDetected (type) → boolean
insertsAreDetected (type) → boolean
supportsBatchUpdates () → boolean
getUDTs (catalog, schemaPattern, typeNamePattern, types) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String typeNamePattern
int types
returns ResultSet
getConnection () → Connection
supportsSavepoints () → boolean
supportsNamedParameters () → boolean
supportsMultipleOpenResults () → boolean
supportsGetGeneratedKeys () → boolean
getSuperTypes (catalog, schemaPattern, typeNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String typeNamePattern
returns ResultSet
getSuperTables (catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String tableNamePattern
returns ResultSet
getAttributes (catalog, schemaPattern, typeNamePattern, attributeNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String typeNamePattern
String attributeNamePattern
returns ResultSet
supportsResultSetHoldability (holdability) → boolean
int holdability
returns boolean
getResultSetHoldability () → int
getDatabaseMajorVersion () → int
getDatabaseMinorVersion () → int
getJDBCMajorVersion () → int
getJDBCMinorVersion () → int
getSQLStateType () → int
locatorsUpdateCopy () → boolean
supportsStatementPooling () → boolean
getRowIdLifetime () → RowIdLifetime
getSchemas (catalog, schemaPattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
returns ResultSet
supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax () → boolean
autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets () → boolean
getClientInfoProperties () → ResultSet
getFunctions (catalog, schemaPattern, functionNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String functionNamePattern
returns ResultSet
getFunctionColumns (catalog, schemaPattern, functionNamePattern, columnNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String functionNamePattern
String columnNamePattern
returns ResultSet
getPseudoColumns (catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern, columnNamePattern) → ResultSet
String catalog
String schemaPattern
String tableNamePattern
String columnNamePattern
returns ResultSet
generatedKeyAlwaysReturned () → boolean
unwrap (iface) → T
isWrapperFor (iface) → boolean
Class iface
returns boolean
getCurrentCatalogName () → String
getCurrentSchemaName () → String
addUnresolved (unquotedQualifiedName)
Add the name of an unresolvable column or table to the list.
String unquotedQualifiedName | unquotedQualifiedName the unquoted qualified name of the table or column
getUnresolvedObjects () → Set
Gets unresolved column or table names, not existing in the schema
returns Set | the unresolved column or table names
getErrorMode () → ErrorMode
Gets the error mode.
returns ErrorMode | the error mode
Sets the error mode.
ErrorMode errorMode | errorMode the error mode
getDatabaseType () → String
setDatabaseType (databaseType)
getCatalogsList () → List
setCatalogsList (catalogs)
setCurrentCatalogName (currentCatalogName)
String currentCatalogName
setCurrentSchemaName (currentSchemaName)