Resolve Columns

JSQLTranspiler can resolve the STAR operator * for a given SQL statement and schema without executing the query against a database. It will return either a JDBC compliant ResultSetMetaData holding the Column information or rewrite the SQL statement replacing the Star Operator with the actual column names.

Step 1: Providing Schema information

Schema information can be derive from a JDBC Database Connection or from a virtual JDBC DatabaseMetaData Object. See the Java API for all the available constructors and methods.

Schema Information
// Derive schema from an existing physical database
Connection conn = ...
JdbcMetaData metaData = new JdbcMetaData(conn);

// Or create schema information for a given catalog and schema
// adding two tables
JdbcMetaData metaData = new JdbcMetaData(catalogName, schemaName)
    .addTable("a", new JdbcColumn("col1"), new JdbcColumn("col2"), new JdbcColumn("col3"), new JdbcColumn("colAA"), new JdbcColumn("colAB"))
    .addTable("b", new JdbcColumn("col1"), new JdbcColumn("col2"), new JdbcColumn("col3"), new JdbcColumn("colBA"), new JdbcColumn("colBB"));

// Simplified for an empty catalog and empty schema
JdbcMetaData metaData = new JdbcMetaData()
                            .addTable("a", "col1", "col2", "col3", "colAA", "colAB")
                            .addTable("b","col1", "col2", "col3", "colBA", "colBB");

// Further Simplified for an empty catalog and empty schema
String[][] schemaDefinition = {
    // table a with columns
    {"a", "col1", "col2", "col3, "colAA", "colAB"}

    // table b with columns
    , {"b", "col1", "col2", "col3", "colBA", "colBB"}
JdbcMetaData metaData = new JdbcMetaData(schemaDefinition);

Step 2: Rewrite the Star Operators

Sample Input Query
FROM (  (   SELECT *
            FROM b ) c
            INNER JOIN a
                ON c.col1 = a.col1 ) d
Rewriting Star Operators
String[][] schemaDefinition = {

    // table a with columns
    {"a", "col1", "col2", "col3, "colAA", "colAB"}

    // table b with columns
    , {"b", "col1", "col2", "col3", "colBA", "colBB"}

String sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM ( (SELECT * FROM b) c inner join a on c.col1 = a.col1 ) d ";

// get the List of JdbcColumns, each holding its lineage using the TreeNode interface
JSQLColumResolver resolver = new JSQLColumResolver(schemaDefinition);
String actual = resolver.getResolvedStatementText(sqlStr);
Rewritten Output Query
SELECT  d.col1
        , d.col2
        , d.col3
        , d.colBA
        , d.colBB
        , d.col1_1
        , d.col2_1
        , d.col3_1
        , d.colAA
        , d.colAB
FROM (  (   SELECT  b.col1
                    , b.col2
                    , b.col3
                    , b.colBA
                    , b.colBB
            FROM b ) c
            INNER JOIN a
                ON c.col1 = a.col1 ) d

Step 3: Resolve Query against Schema

Sample Query
SELECT  Sum( colBA + colBB ) AS total
        , ( SELECT col1 AS test
            FROM b ) col2
        , CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AS col3
                    FROM b ) c
        ON a.col1 = c.col1
Column Resolution
String sqlStr =
    "SELECT Sum(colBA + colBB) AS total, (SELECT col1 AS test FROM b) col2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() as col3 FROM a INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM b) c ON a.col1 = c.col1";

// get the List of JdbcColumns, each holding its lineage using the TreeNode interface
JSQLColumResolver resolver = new JSQLColumResolver(schemaDefinition);
JdbcResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = resolver.getResultSetMetaData(sqlStr);

// loop through the columns at will using the regular ResultSetMetaData semantics
for (int i = 1; i <= resultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(); i++) {

Step 4: Access the Lineage

The returned ResultSetMetaData hold a list of JdbcColums which implement the TreeNode interface. It can be used to translate the Lineage into any Tree-like structure by providing a specific TreeBuilder. There are TreeBuilder Templates for Ascii Trees, JSON Text and XML Text included which you can use to derive your own TreeBuilder implementation easily.

Lineage XML output
String sqlStr =
    "SELECT Sum(colBA + colBB) AS total, (SELECT col1 AS test FROM b) col2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() as col3 FROM a INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM b) c ON a.col1 = c.col1";

// get the List of JdbcColumns, each holding its lineage using the TreeNode interface
JSQLColumResolver resolver = new JSQLColumResolver(schemaDefinition);
JdbcResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = resolver.getResultSetMetaData(sqlStr);

// get XML text representation of the lineage
String s = resolver.getLineage(XmlTreeBuilder.class, sqlStr);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Column alias='total' name='Sum'>
            <Column name='Addition'>
                    <Column name='colBA' table='c' scope='b.colBA' dataType='java.sql.Types.OTHER' typeName='Other' columnSize='0' decimalDigits='0' nullable=''/>
                    <Column name='colBB' table='c' scope='b.colBB' dataType='java.sql.Types.OTHER' typeName='Other' columnSize='0' decimalDigits='0' nullable=''/>
    <Column alias='col2' name='col1'>
            <Column alias='test' name='col1' table='b' dataType='java.sql.Types.OTHER' typeName='Other' columnSize='0' decimalDigits='0' nullable=''/>
    <Column alias='col3' name='CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'/>
Lineage JSON output
String sqlStr =
    "SELECT Sum(colBA + colBB) AS total, (SELECT col1 AS test FROM b) col2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() as col3 FROM a INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM b) c ON a.col1 = c.col1";

// get the List of JdbcColumns, each holding its lineage using the TreeNode interface
JSQLColumResolver resolver = new JSQLColumResolver(schemaDefinition);
JdbcResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = resolver.getResultSetMetaData(sqlStr);

// get JSON text representation of the lineage
String s = resolver.getLineage(JsonTreeBuilder.class, sqlStr);
    "columnSet": [
        "name": "Sum",
        "alias": "total",
        "columnSet": [
                "name": "Addition",
                "columnSet": [
                        "name": "colBA"
                        "table": "c",
                        "scope": "b.colBA",
                        "dataType": "java.sql.Types.OTHER",
                        "typeName": "Other",
                        "columnSize": 0,
                        "decimalDigits": 0,
                        "name": "colBB"
                        "table": "c",
                        "scope": "b.colBB",
                        "dataType": "java.sql.Types.OTHER",
                        "typeName": "Other",
                        "columnSize": 0,
                        "decimalDigits": 0,
            "name": "col1",
            "alias": "col2",
            "subquery": {
                "columnSet": [
                        "name": "col1",
                        "alias": "test"
                        "table": "b",
                        "dataType": "java.sql.Types.OTHER",
                        "typeName": "Other",
                        "columnSize": 0,
                        "decimalDigits": 0,
            "name": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
            "alias": "col3"
Lineage ASCII Tree output
String sqlStr =
    "SELECT Sum(colBA + colBB) AS total, (SELECT col1 AS test FROM b) col2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() as col3 FROM a INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM b) c ON a.col1 = c.col1";

// get the List of JdbcColumns, each holding its lineage using the TreeNode interface
JSQLColumResolver resolver = new JSQLColumResolver(schemaDefinition);
JdbcResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = resolver.getResultSetMetaData(sqlStr);

// get JSON text representation of the lineage
String s = resolver.getLineage(AsciiTreeBuilder.class, sqlStr)
├─total AS Function Sum
│  └─Addition: colBA + colBB
│     ├─c.colBA → b.colBA : Other
│     └─c.colBB → b.colBB : Other
├─col2 AS SELECT
│  └─test AS b.col1 : Other
└─col3 AS TimeKeyExpression: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()